Dr Aamnah Cheema - MB BS 2010 King Edward Medical Universiy
Dr Waqar Cheema - MB BS 2003 Bahauddin Zakariya University
Practice Staff
Office Manager
Peggy is our Office manager and oversees the smooth running of the administration team.
Admin Staff
Our administration team is made up of Alitta, Chelsea, Emma and Vicky. The GP's have asked them to request a few details about the reason for your appointment in order to allow them to direct you to the most appropriate member of staff / service.
Due to staff absence and annual leave, we may on occassion have administrative staff within the practice who are not named here. All temporary member of staff work to the same high levels as our permanent members of staff.
Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP)
Diane O'Hara is our ANP.
Often when patients think that they need to see a GP, it is for something that Diane, our ANP could help with. Diane deals with a large variety of both acute and routine problems. If you are unsure which member of staff you need to see, please ask our reception team who will be happy to direct you.
Practice Nurse
Susan Davis is our practice nurse, she is available for;
- Chronic Disease Management (Diabetes, Kidney Disease, Heart Disease, Asthma, COPD)
- Cervical SMEAR screening
- Sexual Health
- Contraception
- Injections
Health Care Assistant
Sally Baillie is our Health Care Assistant, she is available for;
- Chronic Disease Management (Hypertension, Kidney Disease etc.)
- Phlebotomy (blood tests)
- Blood-pressure checks.
- Weight and Height readings.
Attached Staff
GP Locums
The practice engages the services of fully qualified locum GP's as required, for example, to cover holidays. Locums have access to the same information as the rest of the practice team which allows them to provide you with the same high standard of care that you are used to.
District Nurses
These nurses provide skilled nursing care for patients in their own home. They can dress wounds, remove stitches, take blood samples, advise about incontinence and nursing appliances as well as managing all aspects of short and long-term nursing care of patients at home. They also provide support and advice for unpaid-carers of patients at home.
The district nurses can be contacted on 01324 574545 between 9:00am and 4:30pm. You can leave a message on their answer machine and they will return your call when they return to the office.
Health Visitors
Health visitors can be contacted on 01324 554231 between 9:00am and 4:45pm.
They are available for help and advice on all aspects of health care for mothers, babies and pre-school children.
Other Staff
Other health care professionals available via the Health Centre include:
- Treatment Room Nurse
- Physiotherapist
- Dietitian
- Macmillan Nurses
- Podietrist
- Speech Therapist